Q. Are you Paying only electricity that you used?
Ans : No, There are Five components that you pay along your Electricity uses:
1. Electricity Charges per Unit
2. Fixed Charges
3. F.A.C
4. Wheeling Charges
5. Electricity Duty ( Tax on Electricity)
1. Electricity Charges Per Unit : This Charges are main charges of electricity that you used,This charges varies State to State. Here Rate of charges considered 5.73 per unit. Hence, Total unit Consumed by Consumer is 319 Units
Total Electricity Charges = 5.75 *319 = Rs 1830.30
2. Fixed Charges : Such Charges are fixed either you use electricity or not .This charges varies State to State.
Fixed Charges = Rs 60
3. F.A.C : It stands for Fuel Adjustment Charges, Such charges varies according to demand and supply or availability of Fossil fuel. Availability of fossil fuel becomes not constant. This charges varies State to State. Here , F.A.C is 0.297 per unit.
F.A.C = 0.297 *319 = Rs 93.36
4. Wheeling Charges = Such Charges are carried out to transport electricity to your home Via Generation, Transmission and Distribution. This charges varies State to State. Here wheeling Charges is Rs 1.20 per Unit.
Wheeling Charges = 1.21 *319 = Rs 385
5. Electricity Duty : This is taxes on all above charges. This is fixed through out state i.e. 16 %.
Tax = 0.16(1830 + 60+ 93.35 + 385) = Rs 379.14
Over all Charges = 1830.30 + 60 + 93.35 + 385 + 379.14
Rs 2750
If you calculate per unit charge = Rs 8.62 i.e very high
Here Question arises, can we Reduce cost by installing Solar Plant..
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