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Design of Solar Water Pump Lite version Techniques





Note : This is only a lite technique to estimate design of Solar plant. It has some limitation , TDH should between 10 m to 12 m 

Q . Design a PV water Pump System, which is required to draw 250000 l or 25 Cubic meter of water every day.

ANS :  Known Data with Value :

a.Amount  of water  to be pump per day : 25m3

b.Total vertical lift = 12 m (by bottle method or sound detector)

c.Water Density = 1000kh/m3

d.Acceleration due to gravity = 9.8m/s2

e.Solar module used  = 75Wp (according to users)

f.Operating factor = 0.75

g.Pump Efficiency = 30 %

h.Mismatch factor = 0.85      // if MPPT is not used
1 is MPPT is used

Dummy Module..


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